Yoga in Cirencester
Jan Wilding
About Pregnancy Yoga Classes:
Classes are beneficial during each trimester and you can join the class any week from 14 weeks onwards. Booking is in 4 week blocks up until your last two or three weeks when its weekly. The more classes you can attend and the more practice you can get, the more natural and useful the practices will be during each trimester and during labour. My classes are small with a maximum of 7 students so the environment is friendly, relaxing, warm and cosy and all equipment is provided. Read on to find out more:
Pregnancy is a special time for you and your baby and many midwives say they recognise the value of attending specialist yoga classes during pregnancy. Because the hormone relaxin makes the ligaments more pliable, it is important, in order to avoid injury, not to overload or overstretch them, so during my specialist ante natal yoga classes you are encouraged to develop safe practices designed for each trimester. As one of my pregnancy yoga students you will also have access to practices that you can download at home. Because Yoga is an holistic lifestyle you are encouraged to consider all aspects of your well being and your growing baby, so whether you regularly attend yoga classes or you are completely new to yoga, my specialist pregnancy classes can ...
Help develop your breathing skills to aid relaxation and movement during pregnancy and in labour.
Gently assist your body in cultivating strength, balance & flexibility during the many changes that pregnancy brings.
Help relieve back pain and promote good posture as your tummy gets bigger.
Give you space to relax and teaches relaxation techniques to assist you during this special time when you need as much energy as possible.
Offer time in which to focus and connect with your baby
Help prepare you mentally, physically & emotionally.
Give you an opportunity to get to meet, know and share your experience with other pregnant mums, which can be very valuable and supportive.
Assist in preparation for labour and birth, using safe principles and practice.
Jan Wilding is a mother, grandmother, an experienced British Wheel of Yoga teacher and a massage therapist. Jan has also taught infant massage. Over the years Jan has incorporated pregnant students into her classes but after completing a specialist training in pregnancy yoga with Judy Cameron, a nurse, midwife, British Wheel of Yoga teacher & Yoga Birth tutor, Jan saw the enormous benefits of running a class just for pregnancy and is pleased to offer pregnancy classes in Cirencester.